By Beena Nayaken, The Universal School

The Crucial Role of Rivers in Our Lives and Our Responsibility to Safeguard them


Garonne River

My love for the rivers made this day all the more special as we were taken on a Cruise for an environment experience from Bordeaux to Ile Nouvelle.

Water and plankton samples from the Burdigala pontoon were collected and with immense excitement I boarded the Burdigala boat right from the bank of the Garonne.

We navigated from Bordeaux to Ile Nouvelle with interactive workshops. Entire day we were engaged in activities which revolved around the Garonne river. We learnt about the history of the river, its course, estuaries, and the impact of floods.

Through experiential learning the impact of rivers in our lives and how we can work towards safeguarding them for the future generations was imbibed.

bateau de croisiere burdigala 2

Rivers are the lifeblood of our planet, weaving their way through landscapes and connecting diverse ecosystems.

They have played a central role in human civilizations throughout history. Ancient civilizations flourished along the banks of rivers harnessing the fertile soil and abundant water for agriculture.Their importance in sustaining life cannot be overstated, as they play a pivotal role in providing water, supporting biodiversity, and fostering human civilizations. It is our collective responsibility to recognize the significance of rivers and actively work towards safeguarding these vital natural resources. This thought resonated and made a lasting impression on my mind.

I realised that as stewards of the planet, we need to take the responsibility to adopt sustainable practices, enforce regulations, and invest in conservation efforts to protect our rivers. By promoting sustainable practices, enforcing environmental regulations, and fostering a global commitment to river conservation, we can ensure that these vital ecosystems continue to thrive for generations to come.

One of the most notable achievements in India has been the Ganga rejuvenation project also called Namami Gange. The entire community and NGOs joined hands together for this project. The project has brought about substantial enhancement in the river’s water quality, accompanied by the rehabilitation of previously polluted sections.

rejuvenating the ganga

Students can play a vital role in creating awareness for river rejuvenation projects by joining hands with the civic authorities.