Bridging Cultures and Promoting Sustainability through Education

Bridging Cultures and Promoting Sustainability through Education

By Naseema Saiyad, Agrupamento de Escolas de Albufeira

Bridging Cultures and Promoting Sustainability through Education


From April 9th to 11th, the Basic and Secondary School of Albufeira, Portugal, along with the Bora Ambientar Association, hosted the Erasmus+ mobility titled ODDience2030.

This exciting initiative brought together partners from the School of Bordeaux, France, the School Vaskivuori of Vantaa, Finland, and the French Associations Radsi and Terre et Ocean, with the aim of exploring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promoting international collaboration.

During the ODDience2030 mobility, the Portuguese school and the Bora Ambientar Association organized activities and training sessions focused on the SDGs. Participants were immersed in meaningful discussions about environmental and social issues, exploring ways to make the world more sustainable and inclusive.finding ways to “make space in men’s and women’s minds for peace”.

A series of educational activities

The ODDience mobility also included a series of educational activities, such as a visit to the Science Center in Faro and a video editing workshop prepared by the Association Bora Ambientar.

Special emphasis was given to a lecture by Dra. Zélia Velez from the University of Algarve on climate change, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the environmental challenges we face today. Moreover, participants visited the chemestry laboratory in the school (EBSA) to observe students creating cosmetics with natural products, in order to enhance their understanding on sustainable practices.

The power of education

The Erasmus+ ODDience mobility was an exciting journey that highlighted the power of education, international collaboration, and artistic expression in promoting sustainability. As we continue to face global challenges, initiatives like ODDience2030 demonstrate that together we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

May the shared learnings during this mobility inspire positive actions in our communities and beyond.

etudiant albufeira

A significant part of the mobility was dedicated to the interaction with local students. A group of art students had the opportunity to present the 17 SDGs drawn by them, through a dynamic performance. This exchange between mobility participants and local students enriched everyone’s experience and encouraged a broader understanding of the SDGs. Additionally, students of Professional Courses of Cooking(Pastry and Restaurant/Bar prepared the coffee breaks and lunches, showcasing their skills and promoting sustainable food practices.

Inspire positive actions

The Erasmus+ ODDience mobility was an exciting journey that highlighted the power of education, international collaboration, and artistic expression in promoting sustainability. As we continue to face global challenges, initiatives like ODDience2030 demonstrate that together we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

May the shared learnings during this mobility inspire positive actions in our communities and beyond.

ODDience2030, la formation des enseignants

ODDience2030, la formation des enseignants

Par Caroline Gomes, Lycée Bel Orme

ODDience2030, la formation des enseignants


C'est parti !

Le projet ODDience est lancé. Nos cerveaux en ébullition à la sortie de la semaine de lancement, n’attendent plus qu’une chose : en apprendre plus sur les compétences du 21ème siècle !!!!

Mais que sont ces compétences ? Comment les intégrer dans nos enseignements ? Comment peut-on développer notre propre pensée critique ?  Tant de questions restent encore en suspens.

Un premier questionnaire arrive. Mais de quoi s’agit-il ? Comment répondre à des questions si différentes de celle abordées habituellement ?  C’est parti ! Nous commençons à nous questionner sur nos modes de pensée.

Lacher prise

La formation commence enfin. Nous voilà installés face à nos écrans. Prêts à se connecter. L’inconnu nous attend.

Le lâcher prise sera le maitre mot de ce début de formation. La relaxation, la prise en compte de notre environnement, libérer notre esprit des contraintes environnementales, voilà les premiers jalons de la formation.

Au début décontenancée, ne sachant vers où je m’engouffrais, je réussis au fur et à mesure des séances à me laisser aller et à me projeter vers un autre mode de pensée.

Ce lâché prise, surprenant au départ, m’a finalement inspirée. Je me suis laissée transportée vers d’autres approches.

Ce mode de travail et de pensée, tourné vers la nature, vers l’autre, est une opportunité, nous amenant vers d’autres méthodes de travail. Le changement climatique, les enjeux des 17 ODD  pour transformer notre monde, sont un tremplin, un prétexte aux nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement.

Réimaginer l’enseignement, prendre du recul, il s’agit de déterminer  “Qu’est-ce qu’est la pensée critique, la pensée scientifique ? En quoi les compétences du 21ème siècle, nous permettrons d’être interconnectés au monde ?”

Comment ouvrir nos perspectives ?

Ces formations tournées vers l’autre, se sont organisées en groupes de travail interdisciplinaires et internationaux. Une forte représentation de l’Inde dans chaque groupe, apporte une approche et angle différents concernant nos attitudes, nos croyances, hypothèses. Cette richesse nous amène à voir notre monde de manière interconnectée, à ouvrir nos champs de vision sur le monde et nos salles de classe.

Nos angles morts sont le centre du problème, de nos réflexions.

– Comment ouvrir nos perspectives ?

– Comment connecter les savoirs au monde qui nous entoure ?

– Comment se reconnecter à la nature ?

Ces formations nous ont tout d’abord bousculé. Changer sa façon d’aborder un sujet, n’est pas si facile. Mais comment faire évoluer l’enseignement si nous ne passons pas par cette étape ?

Nous nous tournons à présent vers un coapprentissage. Etudiant et enseignant œuvrent ensemble pour se décentrer vers une pensée critique, tournée vers les objectifs du développement durable. Connaissances et compétences demeurent interconnectées pour donner un sens au monde, former les jeunes à être des acteurs citoyens de demain.

Nous voilà engagés vers un nouvel apprentissage qui deviendra possible pour les élèves et les enseignants dans le cadre de l’éducation durable.

Teaching with SDG’s

Teaching with SDG’s

By Nina Tervala, Vaskivuoren lukio

Teaching with SDG's


A meditative moment

Andreaa Gatman gave our Erasmus group and their colleagues training in four separate sessions of 90 minutes from Feb24 to April 24.

Each session started with a mindful moment where we focused our attention on breathing or images or thoughts. A meditative moment is a good way to start a training session.

For us it was afternoon, the moment of hunger and fatigue. A little meditation can be something that wakes up the the spirit and gives strength to take up new tasks. I have to admit, that my ability to stop, close my eyes and focus on anything was not that great. Being on-line makes it significantly more difficult.

the sessions were full of information

Andreea has done a lot of research and the sessions were full of information and quotes from different articles and books individuals. We were given tasks and reading to do before each session and I managed to do part of the tasks in time.

In each session we had tasks to do in smaller groups in break out rooms. It was interesting to share ideas with new people from different countries i.e. France, Portugal and India. At times we understood the directions differently and probably did not execute the exercices as they were meant, but we did have a lot to talk about.

School is at the same time different and similar in different countries. People are the same and completely different at the same time.

It took me a while to understand that I won’t necessarily be getting any concrete tools from these sessions for my teaching. I could of course use the practices we had done, but having done one practice on-line once doesn’t qualify me for anything. The target of these sessions didn’t seem clear to me during the course.

Now I think that the aim was to start a change in us. Towards, maybe, understanding the importance of change.

There is so much to do and so little time. I think Andreea struggles with this too and maybe gave us so much information, shared so many names and thoughts that I didn’t have time to digest it all.

letting the new generation become the best possible version of themselves

The challenge in on-line communication for the coach is that they don’t get the reactions of their public. Many of us failed to see what was written on the slides and some had difficulties with the English language.

The on-line pedagogy cannot be the same than teaching in class. This problematic needs more attention in future sessions.

“ When we teach with SDG’s” was said many times. What does it actually mean? I have ideas, I may be right, I may be wrong or at least haven’t gotten everything in consideration.

Anyway, my teaching equals to my being with people in general. I hope to be at all times not judgemental, look at the person in the eyes and hope to understand what they need right now.

Teaching is not about me it’s about them, letting the new generation become the best possible version of themselves.

The task is simple and difficult. There are so many factors interfearing, threats and misinformation, you name it. But there is no option, we have to keep on believing in good. I refuse loosing hope.

Adopter des pratiques citoyennes responsables au niveau local

Adopter des pratiques citoyennes responsables au niveau local

Par Clara Mainson, RADSI Nouvelle Aquitaine

Adopter des pratiques citoyennes responsables au niveau local



L’équipe d’ODDience2030 revient plus soudée que jamais après quelques jours passés au Portugal, où l’enthousiasme et la détermination étaient au rendez-vous. Réuni·es presque au complet, cinq mois après notre premier meeting à Bordeaux, nous nous sommes retrouvé·es sur les terres ensoleillées de l’Algarve.

Capturer un instant

Une après-midi riche en découvertes a été consacrée à l’exploration du lagon des Salgados, un site en cours de protection où la nature déploie toute sa splendeur.

Ce lagon, délimité par une végétation aquatique et séparé de la mer par les dunes, abrite une biodiversité foisonnante.

Armés de jumelles, nous avons pu observer de près une variété d’oiseaux, hérons, rapaces ou encore goélands, évoluant dans leur habitat naturel.

La mission de la journée : capturer en vidéo un instant représentatif de la biodiversité. Un défi qui a nécessité concentration et présence d’esprit, dans le but de vivre l’instant sans se laisser distraire par les écrans de nos téléphones. C’était l’occasion pour chacun·e de renouer avec la nature et de se reconnecter avec l’essentiel.

Cependant, cette journée d’exploration n’a pas manqué de mettre en lumière les défis auxquels la biodiversité est confrontée. Le contraste saisissant avec le golf adjacent et les imposants bâtiments en arrière-plan a souligné l’impact de l’artificialisation des sols sur les écosystèmes fragiles.

Le projet ODDience2030 prend tout son sens

C’est dans ce contexte que le projet ODDience2030 prend tout son sens, en incitant à une réflexion sur nos modes de vie et leurs conséquences sur l’environnement.

La solidarité se révèle ainsi comme une alternative essentielle pour relever les défis mondiaux telle que la justice sociale et climatique.

Il est devenu urgent d’adopter des pratiques citoyennes responsables au niveau local, conscient que nos actions peuvent avoir un impact à l’échelle internationale.

Jeu interconnaissance

Jeu interconnaissance

By Nina Tervala, Vaskivuoren lukio

Jeu interconnaissance


The passive role is safe

As a special needs teacher I attend to remedial English classes. The groups in those classes consist of students who necessarily don’t know each other. The situation makes them shy and uncertain of their skills.

Being active is very important for learning, nevertheless students often choose or end up being passive in classroom. The passive role is safe. When you don’t do anything you won’t be doing any mistakes either. Many students are afraid of making mistakes which in itself is a big mistake because it is through mistakes that we learn.

All you need is the form on one paper

In our launch week in Bordeaux we got to know each other and did many exercises. One in particular made me very happy. In French this exercise is called Jeu interconnaissance. In this game you try to find out who is who by recognizing people from drawings and then asking questions and writing down the answers.

The game is very practical to use because all you need is the form on one paper and a pencil for each participant.The participants are asked to draw a portrait of themselves on the paper. Then the pictures change hands and people try to find the person in the portrait and ask them a question. The questions are ready in the paper and the group goes as many rounds as there are questions. When all the questions have been answered the group goes through the most interesting and funny ones so that everyone is mentioned at least one time.

To look at details, guess and ask

What makes this game fun is the task of finding a person that resembles the drawing somehow. One has to look at details, guess and ask: Are you this person?

When the first actions in a game are drawing and looking at drawings, pictures and people we forget a little that actually the task is speaking, making acquaintances, learning each others’ names and using a foreign language. For those who find speaking to strangers in a foreign language challenging this kind of distraction is perfect.

Being noticed and commented in a kind way makes us happy

Learning is more efficient when feelings are involved.

Actually I’m not convinced we learn anything without having a some kind of a feeling. Being noticed and commented in a kind way makes us happy and it gives us a warm feeling.

Afterwards we find it much easier to interact in the group in our language skills that we have at that moment.

I have launched different versions of this game and translated it into Finnish so it can be used in the beginning of any course.

I am doing it tomorrow in the English class, with new questions and I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing their reactions.